Use Rasa’s Eligibility Tool For Free In Honor of National Recovery Month

September is National Recovery Month, and all throughout the country, people are coming together to support, celebrate, and honor people in recovery. Recovering from substance use can be very difficult. And even when someone gets healthy, they need a place to live, a community who supports them, and a purpose to stay strong.

The Lingering Impact of Criminal Records

Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for individuals struggling with substance use to pick up a criminal record during their active addiction. These records can create many barriers for someone in recovery trying to rebuild their life: 

  • Housing:  4 out of 5 landlords conduct background checks, making it challenging for those with criminal records to secure safe and stable housing.
  • Employment: 9 out of 10 employers require disclosure of criminal history, potentially limiting career opportunities and financial stability.
  • Education: Some educational institutions may have restrictions or additional scrutiny for applicants with criminal backgrounds.

Use Rasa’s Tool for Free

In honor of National Recovery Month, Rasa is proud to offer our eligibility tool free of charge throughout the month of September. We understand the critical role that information and access play in empowering individuals to take control of their futures. By providing this free service, we aim to ensure that people in recovery are fully aware of their options for clearing their records and removing obstacles to their continued success.

Check Eligibility Now for Free

(Valid until Sept 30th, 2024)

Next Steps

For those who discover they are eligible for record clearance, Rasa offers affordable legal representation to guide you through the process. Our services start at just $250 per case, making it affordable for anyone to get a fresh start.


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