utah expungement made easy
We’re making the process of clearing a Utah criminal record simple and affordable for everyone. We use software to provide expungement services for less than half the price of other lawyers.
At Rasa, we offer 3 main services in Utah to help individuals expunge their criminal records in the simplest and most affordable way possible:
Gov. Fee Waiver Expungement
per case for full legal representation. Available to those who qualify for a waiver of their certificate & filing fees. Additional cases are $250 each.
Our representation includes:
- Filling out the paperwork to obtain a fee waiver
- Helping you prepare your personal statement
- Filing your petition with the courts
- Notifying the necessary prosecutors
- Managing any responses to your petition
- Obtaining your final expungement orders
Know you are eligible? Email us at [email protected] or call us at (866) 521-0178 to get started.
per case for full legal representation. The easiest way to expunge records is to let Rasa take care of everything for you. Additional cases are $500 each.
Our representation includes:- Helping you prepare your personal statement
- Filing your petition with the courts
- Manage any responses to your petition*
- Notifying the necessary prosecutors
- Managing any responses to your petition
- Obtaining your final expungement orders
Know you are eligible? Email us at [email protected] or call us at (866) 521-0178 to get started.
402 Reduction
Reductions can help reduce waiting periods and make certain ineligible records eligible. Meet with one of our expungement experts to see if a reduction is right for you!
- Assessing your eligibility for a 402 reduction
- Examining your case and probation history
- Filing your 402 motion with the court
- Notifying the prosecutors as needed
- Securing the final reduction order (if successful)
- Ensuring your case records reflect the reduction
Ready to get started? Email us at [email protected] or call us at (866) 521-0178 to get started.
ready to get started?
To get started, use our easy eligibility tool to quickly check what is on your record and if it is eligible for a reduction or expungement.
If you have questions about expungements, 402 reduction process, or specific questions about your case, please email us at [email protected] or call us at (866) 521-0178 to get started.
our process
Step 1: Screening
We will ask you a few basic screening questions to determine the best way to help you expunge your record.
Step 2: Identity verification
To protect your privacy, we will verify your identity.
Step 3: Record analysis
We will analyze your records to determine if they are eligible to be expunged.
Step 4: Legal services
If you are eligible to expunge your record, we can serve as your lawyer throughout the process, keeping you informed every step of the way.
got questions?
A: The eligibility screening tool is a quick way to get a complete picture of most Utah criminal records that might be out there. It provides you with a comprehensive report showing most cases, what their expungement eligibility status is, and if eligible what the options for clearing them are. We believe in providing you with all the available information we can.
A: No. If our tool predicts that you have eligible cases, you will have the option to hire Rasa as your lawyer to help you expunge your records. We provide a low-cost, simple, and transparent pricing option for record clearance. However, there is no obligation to hire Rasa, and you can also take your results elsewhere and do whatever you like with them. Rasa believes in putting you in control of your records.
A: Unlike traditional law firms that charge somewhere between $1,500 to $3,000 to expunge a record, Rasa will offer to expunge your records starting at just $250 per case (does not include the government fees). We can make expungement legal services much more affordable because our sophisticated software streamlines many of the manual steps associated with the expungement process. Rasa also offers interest-free monthly payment plans that allow you to start your expungement now and break up the cost over 4 months for no additional charge.
A: Rasa is focused on making expungement as affordable and accessible as possible. We offer expungement eligibility screenings, legal representation for expungements, and legal services & representation for 402 reductions. We also partner with businesses and organizations who cover the costs for their employees to obtain expungement.
contact us
We would love to hear from you! If you have questions about the expungement process, questions about your case, or would like more information please email us at [email protected] or call us at (866) 521-0178 to get started.
Rasa has definitely been a game changer for me, I have a not-so-pretty past Rasa has made it a lot easier for me to finally hold my head up. The help I got from them is priceless! Not to mention the absolute best human beings there! Not once did I feel any judgment, nothing but pure love! Thank you Rasa for being a part of helping me clean up my past!
BEST. DAY. EVER. Thank you so very much for all of your help in getting both of these charges expunged from my record! I passed my background check with my new potential employer and received a generous offer letter which increases my current salary by 17%!! I am so excited! I hope you and Hollee realize how much you help people and the impact you have on their lives! I can’t thank you enough!! 🙂
Huge THANK YOU to Rasa for helping me take care of my 2nd expungement. When I received my certificates I planned on completing this myself but between working two jobs and being a full time parent for my toddler, time flew by. Before I knew it my certificates were going to expire. I called Noella Ciara and Amy and they jumped on this and got it completed for me. They made this simple for me and handled all the work.
THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH!!! If you need help with your expungement, contact Rasa. They are incredible.DG
I reached out to Rasa Legal to learn about options for expunging a few records I had from college. Rasa was able to clearly present me all of my options, in a zero pressure way. With Utah’s new Clean Slate program I had the option of waiting for auto clearance or going through the petition-based process. I chose the latter, and chose to have Rasa represent me and could not have had a better experience. Rasa was very communicative through the whole process and was a very cost-effective option compared to other firms in the state. I would not hesitate to recommend Rasa to anyone that is looking for expungement services in the state of Utah.
learn more
We know the legal process can be intimidating. Click below to find more information about the different kinds of record clearance in Utah:
- Utah Courts Expungement Process
- Utah Offense Reduction Process
- Utah Automatic Expungement Process
- Utah Pardon Process
- Utah Legislative Updates
If you have questions about the expungement process, questions about your case, or would like more information please email us at [email protected] or call us at (866) 521-0178 to get started.
what are you waiting for?
It's time to leave the past in the past. Use our tool to quickly check if you have records that are eligible for expungement today!
Find out if you’re eligible in under 3 minutes.
Expungement Navigators
Rasa is committed to being a second chance employer and believes working with people who have records helps us to design better products. We hire and train directly impacted people to ensure our model works for people with records.